Hotel Alpenrose, Rodeneck Südtirol
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Mountain activities

Summer emotions

Winter dream

Special eccasion

Application form

Zimmer im Hotel Alpenrose, Rodeneck

Haus Alpenrose Rodeneck Haus Alpenrose Rodeneck Haus Alpenrose Rodeneck Haus Alpenrose Rodeneck Haus Alpenrose Rodeneck Haus Alpenrose Rodeneck

Offers for your holiday

* news *


wellness area




hot whirlpool



You owe it to yourself to take a break in the Alpenrose Rodeneck!


Valle Isarco
:) We liked it!

Summer emotions

Passionate hikers and adventurers have a lot of options!
Beside of our weekly offered guided hiking tours on the alp, there are a lot more hiking paradises to be discovered! Get all the information booklets at our reception desk.
For all the biking fans we have a save storage space for their bikes!
Rafting, tandem paragliding und canyoning for kids, young people and young at heart! We are welcome to organize your adventure holiday in our neighbourhood!!
Click here to see how
to reach us!

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7 + 1 = ?
* Pflichtfelder

Hotel Alpenrose**
Fam. Stampfl
Frakt. Vill 7/A
I - 39030 Rodeneck (BZ)
Südtirol - Italien

Tel + Fax +39 0472 454249
Impressum & Privacy

© 2011 Hotel Alpenrose
web by

Alto Adige#